R&D Tax Credits (Does your Company Qualify?)

Far too many businesses are letting their inventiveness go to waste and are missing out on money they could claim back from HMRC. If your company has made a capital investment in an innovative project, you may be able to recoup a large chunk of that expenditure by way of R&D tax credits, even where […]
Expatriate Tax: Liability When Moving to the UK

By moving to the UK you may become liable to pay UK income and capital gains tax, in addition to any tax liability in your home country. Understanding how expatriate tax works can be crucial in determining whether relocating to the UK is a financially viable move for you and your family. The following guide […]
What is an Employee Share Scheme?
As an employee, you may have the opportunity to acquire shares in the company that employs you. This is known as an “Employee Share Scheme”. Below we look at how Employee Share Schemes work and what tax advantages you will benefit from when you acquire, or dispose of, employment-related shares. What is an Employee […]
What is Income Tax for Expats?
Even if you leave the UK and move abroad, you may still be liable to UK income tax. It is therefore important to understand if and when any UK tax liability arises, and how this may affect you. The following guide looks at income tax for expats, and what you need to know about UK […]
The Benefits of an International Tax Review
For businesses who trade and operate in more than one country, the value of carrying out an international tax review cannot be denied, bringing together the complexities of: international tax legislation, including ongoing changes developments within your business and future planning commercial and political changes worldwide International tax legislation Any company who operates […]
School Fees Savings Plan: Why Use a Trust?
Having a plan of action in place on how you will pay for your child’s private school fees is always a good idea, and one way to lessen the burden financially is to investigate tax efficient investment structures. Your starting point, as with any type of tax planning, should always be to decide exactly what […]
How do Employee Share Schemes Work?
Many employers offer employee share schemes to attract and retain top talent by ensuring both employee and employer interests are on the same path. With strict and detailed HMRC legislation to adhere to, however, it is important to fully plan an employee share scheme before it is put into place to ensure tax compliance. So […]