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Applying for a Small Business Loan (Steps Tips & Advice!)

small business loan


Small business loans in the UK are a vital financial tool designed to support the growth and sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These loans provide essential capital that businesses can use for various purposes, including but not limited to startup costs, expansion projects, purchasing inventory, and covering operational expenses. Given the diverse economic landscape of the UK, small business loans are tailored by a myriad of lenders, including traditional banks, online lenders, and government-backed schemes, to suit the unique needs of different business sectors and stages of development.


Section A. Understanding Small Business Loans in the UK


1. What is a small business loan?


A small business loan in the UK refers to a sum borrowed from a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) from a lender under agreed repayment terms. These loans are designed to support businesses in various ways, such as managing cash flow, financing expansion projects, purchasing equipment, or covering other operational costs. The key feature of a small business loan is its purpose of facilitating growth and ensuring the sustainability of the business.

The importance of small business loans in the UK’s economy cannot be overstated. For startups, securing a loan can mean bringing a transformative idea to market and remaining in the conceptual phase. These initial funds allow entrepreneurs to establish their footing by covering the costs associated with launching a business, such as leasing space, acquiring equipment, and paying for licenses and permits.

Small business loans continue to play a crucial role as businesses transition from the startup phase to focus on growth and expansion. They enable existing businesses to scale up operations, enter new markets, increase their workforce, and invest in marketing strategies to reach wider audiences. This expansion is not only beneficial for the individual business but also stimulates local economies by creating jobs and fostering innovation.

Furthermore, in times of financial uncertainty or when facing unexpected challenges, small business loans can provide a lifeline, helping businesses manage cash flow, sustain operations, and navigate challenging periods. This aspect is essential in the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable UK market, where external factors such as economic downturns, regulatory changes, and shifts in consumer behaviour can have significant impacts.


2. Types of small business loans


In the UK, there are several types of small business loans available, each suited to different business needs and circumstances:

a. Term Loans
Term loans are among the more traditional types of business financing. A lump sum of cash is borrowed upfront, and the borrower agrees to pay back the loan with interest over a fixed period. These loans can be short-term (usually under two years), medium-term (three to five years), or long-term (more than five years). Term loans are often used for specific investments like purchasing major equipment or renovating business premises.


b. Lines of Credit
A line of credit offers businesses flexible access to funds up to a specific limit, which they can draw upon as needed. Interest is typically only charged on the money used, making it an excellent option for managing cash flow or unexpected expenses. Lines of credit can either be secured or unsecured, with secured lines often offering higher limits and lower interest rates.


c. Government-backed Loans
In the UK, the government supports small businesses through various schemes that provide loans, many of which are backed by the British Business Bank. Examples include the Start Up Loans Scheme, which offers personal loans for business purposes to entrepreneurs looking to start or grow a business. These loans come with free business support and mentoring, making them a valuable resource for new companies.


d. Microloans
Microloans typically offer smaller loan amounts to startups and small businesses with minor financing needs. In the UK, specialist lenders and some non-profit organisations provide micro-loans to support smaller enterprises that may not qualify for higher-value loans from traditional banks. These loans can be beneficial for covering startup costs, inventory purchases, or small-scale expansions.

Each type of loan has its own terms, interest rates, and eligibility criteria, making it crucial for businesses to assess their specific needs and understand the options available to them in the UK’s diverse financial landscape.


3. Types of small business lenders


The UK’s small business loan landscape is characterised by a wide range of lenders offering a wide range of financing options to entrepreneurs and small—to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This variety ensures that businesses of all sizes and at different stages of growth can find suitable funding solutions to meet their needs. The landscape includes traditional banks, alternative finance providers, and government-backed schemes, each offering different types of loans with varied terms and eligibility criteria.


a. Traditional Banks
Traditional banks remain a cornerstone of small business financing in the UK. Major banks such as Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Bank, and NatWest offer a variety of loan products for businesses, including term loans, overdrafts, and lines of credit. These institutions often provide tailored financial products for SMEs alongside business support services like financial advice and planning tools. However, securing financing from a traditional bank can be challenging for startups and smaller businesses without a strong credit history or significant collateral.


b. Alternative Finance Providers
The rise of alternative finance has significantly expanded the options available to small businesses in the UK. Platforms such as Funding Circle, IWoca, and Kabbage offer flexible lending solutions, including short-term loans, invoice financing, and merchant cash advances. These lenders typically provide a more streamlined application process and faster funding than traditional banks, making them an attractive option for businesses in need of quick access to capital.


c. Government-backed Schemes
Through the British Business Bank, the UK government supports several schemes to boost small business financing. Notable among these is the Start Up Loans Company, which provides personal loans for business purposes to individuals looking to start up or grow a business in the UK. Other government-backed programs include the Enterprise Finance Guarantee, which facilitates lending to smaller businesses that might not have access to traditional bank financing by providing lenders with a government-backed guarantee against the outstanding facility balance.


d. Regional and Niche Lenders
In addition to these broader categories, regional and niche lenders are focused on serving specific industries or regions within the UK. These include community development finance institutions (CDFIs), which offer financial services in areas underserved by traditional banks, and sector-specific lenders that cater to businesses in industries like agriculture, technology, or creative arts.


e. Brokers and Financial Advisors
Brokers and financial advisors also play a significant role in the UK’s small business loan landscape, helping businesses navigate the myriad options and find the best financing solutions to suit their specific needs.

Overall, the UK’s small business loan landscape offers diverse financing options, enabling businesses of all sizes and sectors to access the capital they need for growth and development. With the continued evolution of this landscape, it’s likely that even more innovative financing solutions will become available to UK businesses in the future.


Section B. Before you apply for a small business loan


1. How to prepare for a small business loan


Preparing to apply for a small business loan in the UK requires careful planning and meticulous preparation of various documents and information. A compelling loan application demonstrates your business’s financial stability and potential for growth and reassures lenders of your ability to repay the loan.


a. Understand the Lender’s Requirements
Each lender has unique requirements. Research and understand these to tailor your application accordingly.

Determine whether the lender focuses more on credit scores, revenue, business plans, or a combination of factors.


b. Prepare a Detailed Business Plan
A comprehensive business plan is crucial for most small business loan applications, particularly for startups or businesses seeking significant funding.

Your plan should include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organisational structure, product or service description, marketing and sales strategy, financial projections, and an appendix with supporting documents.


c. Business & Financial Documents
Loan applications will require you to submit documentation including:

Profit and Loss Statement: Shows your business’s profitability over a specific period.
Balance Sheet: Provides a snapshot of your business’s financial condition at a particular moment, detailing assets, liabilities, and equity.
Cash Flow Statement: Illustrates how well your business generates cash to pay its debt obligations and fund its operating expenses.
Tax Returns: Be ready to provide both personal and business tax returns for the last two to three years.
Bank Statements: Recent bank statements may be required to assess your business’s current financial health.
Legal Documents: Depending on your business structure and the loan type, you may need to include business licenses, articles of incorporation, leases, franchise agreements, and any contracts with third parties.
• Be prepared to provide financial statements for the last two to three years, if available.


d. Personal and Business Credit Reports
Obtain copies of both your personal and business credit reports. Check for any inaccuracies that could negatively affect your loan application.

A higher credit score can significantly improve your chances of loan approval and secure more favourable loan terms.


e. Collateral Information (If Required)
Some loans, especially those with lower interest rates, may require collateral. Prepare detailed information about the assets you can offer as collateral, including real estate, inventory, or equipment.

Include legal descriptions, values, and other pertinent collateral information.


2. General loan eligibility criteria


Securing a small business loan in the UK involves meeting various eligibility criteria set by lenders. These criteria can vary significantly between different types of loans and lenders, from traditional banks to alternative finance providers and government-backed schemes.

Understanding these requirements is crucial for businesses to increase their chances of a successful application.

The following is an overview of the general eligibility criteria and some specific requirements for different types of loans and lenders. While specific criteria can vary, most lenders in the UK will assess the following factors:


a. Business Age
Many lenders require the business to have been operational for a certain period, typically at least six months to a year. This period can be longer for traditional bank loans.


b. Revenue Requirements
Lenders often have minimum revenue requirements to ensure the business generates enough income to repay the loan. This requirement varies widely depending on the loan amount and the lender.


c. Credit Score
Both the personal credit score of the business owner(s) and the business credit score can be essential factors. A good credit score can lead to more favourable loan terms.


d. Business Plan and Projections
Especially for startups or when applying for larger loans, a solid business plan and financial projections may be required to demonstrate the viability of the business.


e. Security or Collateral
Some loans, particularly those with lower interest rates, may require security or collateral against the loan, such as property, inventory, or other assets.


3. Specific Requirements for Different Types of Loans and Lenders


Each type of loan and lender has its own set of criteria, and understanding these can significantly improve a business’s chances of successfully securing financing.

It is crucial to tailor your application to meet these criteria, including presenting a strong business case and ensuring your financial records are in order.

Before applying, ensure you understand the lender’s specific requirements and the loan type you are considering. Gather all necessary documents, including financial statements, tax returns, and a detailed business plan, if required. Take steps to improve your credit score before applying, as this can significantly impact your eligibility and loan terms.


a. Traditional Bank Loans
Generally, traditional banks have stricter requirements regarding credit scores.

A comprehensive business plan showing detailed financial projections and a clear repayment strategy is often necessary, and larger loans may require collateral.


b. Alternative Finance Providers
Alternative lenders may be more flexible with credit scores, focusing more on the business’s revenue and growth potential. These lenders also often prioritise the business’s current income and potential for growth over traditional metrics like credit scores.


c. Government-backed Loans (e.g., Start Up Loans Company)
These loans are often targeted at startups and businesses needing help securing other financing forms. The Startup Loans Company, for instance, offers loans to businesses that have been trading for less than two years.

A personal credit check is usually required, but the emphasis might be more on the business’s potential and the entrepreneur’s business plan than on the credit score alone.


d. Microloans and Community Lenders
Designed for smaller borrowing needs, these lenders often have less stringent requirements and may focus more on the business idea and its impact on the community.

Eligibility can vary widely, with some programs specifically designed to support entrepreneurs who might not meet traditional lending criteria, including those with lower credit scores.


4. Improving your credit score & business financials


Improving your credit score and business financials is crucial before applying for a small business loan in the UK. A more robust credit profile and solid financials can significantly enhance your loan application, making you more attractive to lenders and potentially securing more favourable loan terms. Here are some practical tips to improve your credit score and business financials.


a. Review Your Credit Reports
Obtain your credit reports from major UK credit bureaus such as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

Review your reports for any inaccuracies or errors and dispute them if necessary, as they can negatively impact your score.


b. Make Payments on Time
Make all credit payments on time, including loans, credit cards, and utility bills, as late payments can lower your credit score.


c. Reduce Debt Levels
Work on paying down existing debts, especially those with high-interest rates. Lowering your overall debt will help improve your credit utilisation ratio, a critical factor in credit scoring.


d. Avoid Unnecessary Credit Applications
Apply for new credit only when necessary. Each credit application is recorded as a hard inquiry, which may have the effect of lowering your credit score.


e. Use a Credit Builder Product
Consider using credit builder products or small forms of credit that you can repay reliably to demonstrate your creditworthiness.


f. Accurate and Detailed Financial Records
Maintain accurate records of all financial transactions, including income, expenses, and investments. This will help you understand your financial position and identify areas for improvement.


g. Increase Revenue
Explore strategies to increase your business’s revenue, such as expanding your product or service offerings, improving marketing efforts, or entering new markets.


h. Control Expenses
Review your business expenses regularly and identify areas where you can cut costs without compromising on the quality of your products or services.


i. Manage Inventory Efficiently
Optimising inventory levels can free up cash tied up in excess stock and reduce storage costs, improving your business’s financial health.


j. Improve Accounts Receivable
Implement strategies to encourage faster customer payment, such as offering early payment discounts or implementing stricter payment terms. This can improve cash flow and show lenders that you manage receivables effectively.


k. Prepare Financial Projections
Create realistic financial projections to plan for future growth and investment. This can help you make more informed business decisions and demonstrate your commitment to managing your business’s economic future to lenders.



Section C. How to apply for a small business loan in 6 steps



Step 1: Research lenders & loan products


Applying for a small business loan in the UK involves a structured process to maximise your chances of approval and ensure you get the best terms possible.

Identify potential lenders, including traditional banks, alternative finance providers, and government-backed schemes.

Each loan product has its own set of eligibility criteria. Ensure you meet these criteria before applying to avoid unnecessary credit checks that could affect your credit score.


Step 2: Choose the Right Loan for Your Business Needs


Compare loan products and look into the various loan products each lender offers. Consider interest rates, loan terms, repayment schedules, and any additional fees.

Clearly define why you need the loan and how much you need to borrow. Consider how the loan will help your business grow and what repayment terms you can realistically afford.

Match the loan to your needs. Different loans serve different purposes. For example, a line of credit might be best for ongoing operational costs, while a term loan could be suited for purchasing equipment or expanding your premises.

Remember to consider the cost and look beyond the interest rate to understand the total cost of borrowing, including any fees and charges.


Step 3: Gather All Necessary Documents and Information


Prepare up-to-date financial statements, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

Have your business plan ready, especially if you’re a startup or seeking significant funding. This should detail your business model, market analysis, and financial projections.

You should request copies of your business and personal credit reports and review them thoroughly for accuracy. Any errors or issues should be corrected.

Gather necessary documents such as your business license, articles of incorporation, leases, or any other relevant legal documents.


Step 4: Complete the Application Form


Decide whether to apply online or in person. Online applications can be convenient and faster, but in-person applications may provide opportunities for personalised advice.

Complete the application form accurately and ensure you have compiled and provided all requested information. Only accurate or complete applications can lead to delays or rejections.


Step 5: Submit Your Application and Await a Decision


Once you’ve double-checked your application and attached all necessary supporting documentation, submit your application to the lender.

If you are still waiting to hear back within the expected timeframe, follow up with the lender. They may need additional information or documents to process your application.


Step 6: Understand and Negotiate the Terms if Approved


If your application is approved, review the loan offer carefully. Pay attention to the interest rate, repayment terms, and any fees or penalties.

Feel free to negotiate the terms of your loan. Some lenders may be willing to adjust terms, especially if you have a strong credit profile and financials.

Consider consulting with a financial advisor or accountant to ensure the loan terms are favourable and manageable for your business.


Section D: After you’ve applied


1. What to expect after submitting your loan application


After submitting a small business loan application in the UK, the process and timelines can vary significantly depending on the lender and the type of loan you’re applying for. However, there are standard stages in the review process and general expectations you can have regarding the timeline. Here’s what typically happens after you apply:


a. Application Acknowledgement
Shortly after submitting your application, you should receive an acknowledgement from the lender. This might be immediate if you apply online, or it could take a few days for manual applications.


b. Application Review
The lender will review your application to ensure it’s complete and assess the provided documents and information. This stage includes evaluating your financial statements, business plan, credit reports, and any collateral offered.


c. Credit and Risk Assessment
The lender will perform a credit check on your business and possibly a personal credit check on the business owners. Based on these checks, your business’s financial health, and the viability of your business plan, they assess the risk of lending to your business.


d. Decision Time
Decision times on loans vary. For straightforward, unsecured loans, especially from alternative lenders or for smaller amounts, decisions can sometimes be made in as little as 24 hours to a few days.

For more complex or higher-value loans, especially those requiring collateral or from traditional banks, the decision process can take several weeks or even months.


e. Loan Offer and Agreement
If you are approved for the loan, the lender will provide a loan offer detailing the amount, interest rate, repayment terms, and any conditions or covenants attached.

It’s crucial to review these terms carefully, possibly with the guidance of a financial advisor, to ensure they are favourable and manageable within your business’s financial framework.


f. Loan Funding
Once you accept the loan terms and sign the agreement, the lender will arrange to transfer the funds to your account.

The timeline for funding can vary. For simple, unsecured loans, you may receive a response immediately or within a few days, but it can take up to a few weeks for secured loans or loans requiring more complex arrangements.


g. Post-Loan Support and Repayment Commencement
After the loan is funded, the lender may offer post-loan support, including advice on utilising the funds best and managing repayments.

Repayment typically commences from the next month following the loan disbursement, per the agreed schedule.


2. If your loan application is rejected


Receiving a rejection for a small business loan application can be disappointing, but many UK businesses face this outcome at some point. Understanding the reasons behind the rejection and addressing these issues can significantly improve your chances of success in future applications.

Common reasons why small business loan applications get rejected in the UK include:

Poor Credit Score: Both personal and business credit scores are crucial factors. A low score can indicate a high risk to lenders.
Weak Cash Flow: If the lender doubts your business’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet repayment terms, they may reject your application.
Insufficient Collateral: For secured loans, lacking adequate collateral to secure the loan can lead to rejection.
Short Trading History: New businesses or startups often face rejections due to a lack of trading history, which lenders use to gauge financial stability and risk.
High Debt Levels: Existing high levels of debt can concern lenders about your ability to take on and repay additional borrowing.
Business Plan Concerns: An unclear or unconvincing business plan can fail to demonstrate the viability and potential for growth of your business.


3. How to Improve Chances Next Time


Proactively handling loan rejection by understanding the reasons behind it and taking concrete steps to address these issues can significantly improve your chances of success in future loan applications. Each rejection offers valuable insights into strengthening your business and financial standing, making you better prepared for your next application.


a. Understand the Reason for Rejection
Ask the lender for specific reasons why your application was rejected. This information is crucial for making targeted improvements.


b. Improve Your Credit Score
Review your credit report for errors and dispute any inaccuracies. Ensure all bills and existing loan payments are made on time. Reduce credit card balances and manage your debts effectively.


c. Strengthen Your Business Financials
Focus on improving your business’s cash flow through enhanced revenue or reduced expenses.

Prepare detailed financial projections to demonstrate future growth and stability.


d. Reevaluate Your Business Plan
Ensure your business plan is comprehensive and compelling. It should clearly articulate your business model, market analysis, competitive advantage, and financial projections.

Consider seeking advice from business advisors or mentors to strengthen your plan.


e. Consider Alternative Financing Options
Explore other types of financing that may be more suited to your business’s current situation, such as invoice financing, crowdfunding, or microloans from community lenders.

Government-backed schemes, such as those supported by the British Business Bank, may offer more favourable terms for startups and small businesses.


f. Apply for a Smaller Amount
Reassess the amount you need and apply for a smaller loan that might be easier to get approved. This can also make repayments more manageable.


g. Address Debt and Collateral Issues
Work on lowering your business’s debt levels before reapplying.

If collateral was an issue, assess other assets you might be able to offer or consider loan options that do not require collateral.


Section E. Alternatives to Small Business Loans


When a small business loan isn’t the right fit for your UK business, or if your application was unsuccessful, several alternative funding options exist.

Choosing the right alternative depends on your business’s specific needs, goals, and situation. Each alternative has its own set of advantages and might suit different business needs or stages of development. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consider how they align with your business strategy and financial health.


1. Angel Investors


Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital for startups, often in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. They can be a great source of financing if you’re willing to share equity and benefit from an investor’s experience and network.
Pros: Access to valuable expertise and networks, along with funding.
Cons: You’ll need to give up a portion of your equity.


2. Crowdfunding


Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Crowdcube allow businesses to raise funds from a large number of people. There are different types of crowdfunding: donation-based, rewards-based, equity-based, and debt-based (peer-to-peer lending).
Pros: Access to a wide pool of investors; can validate the product/market fit.
Cons: Requires significant marketing effort; success is not guaranteed.


3. Grants


Various grants are available in the UK for small businesses, offered by the government, local councils, and some private organisations. Grants are often aimed at specific industries, regions, or types of business activities (like innovation, research, and development).
Pros: Non-repayable funding.
Cons: Often competitive and may require matching funds or be aimed at specific projects.


4. Government Support Schemes


The UK government offers several support schemes designed to help small businesses through the British Business Bank and other entities. These include the Start Up Loans Scheme for new businesses and the Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme, which facilitates lending to small businesses that might not have access to traditional finance.
Pros: Support beyond funding, including mentorship and resources.
Cons: May have specific eligibility criteria that need to be met.


5. Peer-to-Peer Lending


Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms connect businesses looking for loans with individuals willing to lend their money. Platforms like Funding Circle facilitate this type of lending.
Pros: Often faster decisions and funding than traditional bank loans.
Cons: Interest rates may be higher, depending on the risk profile.


6. Venture Capital


Venture capital is a form of private equity investment provided by investors to startups and small businesses with strong growth potential. Unlike angel investors, venture capital firms usually invest larger amounts but also in exchange for equity.
Pros: Significant funding potential; access to expertise and networks.
Cons: Highly competitive; requires giving up a portion of your business.


7. Business Credit Cards


Business credit cards can be a flexible and quick option for smaller financing needs. When used responsibly, they can also help build your business credit score.
Pros: Flexibility; rewards; can help build credit.
Cons: High interest rates if the balance is not paid in full.


FAQ: Applying for a Small Business Loan in the UK


Q1: Who can apply for a small business loan in the UK?
A1: Eligibility varies by lender but generally includes UK-based businesses with a clear business plan, a demonstrated ability to repay the loan, and sometimes a minimum trading history or revenue requirement. Startups may be eligible for specific loan products designed for new businesses.


Q2: What documents do I need to apply for a small business loan?
A2: Typically, you’ll need a detailed business plan, financial statements, personal and business bank statements, tax returns, and identification documents. Additional documents might include legal documents related to your business (e.g., incorporation certificates) and collateral information, if applicable.


Q3: How can I improve my chances of getting a small business loan?
A3: Improve your credit score, strengthen your business financials, prepare a detailed and convincing business plan, and tailor your application to meet the lender’s requirements. It is crucial to demonstrate a clear ability to repay the loan.


Q4: How much can I borrow with a small business loan in the UK?
A4: The amount varies widely depending on factors such as the type of lender, the type of loan and your business’s financial health. Loans can range from micro-loans worth thousands of pounds to several million for more substantial business loans.


Q5: What interest rates can I expect for a small business loan in the UK?
A5: Interest rates vary by lender and are influenced by factors like your creditworthiness, the loan amount, the term, and whether the loan is secured or unsecured. Rates can vary, ranging from low single digits to higher rates for riskier loans.


Q6: How long does it take to get a small business loan in the UK?
A6: The timeline can vary from a few days for simpler, unsecured loans from alternative lenders to several weeks or more for traditional bank loans, especially if collateral is involved.


Q7: Can I apply for a small business loan with bad credit?
A7: Yes, but your options may be more limited. Some lenders specialise in lending to businesses with less-than-perfect credit, and government-backed schemes may have more flexible criteria. Expect higher interest rates and more stringent repayment terms.


Q8: What happens if my loan application is rejected?
A8: Ask the lender for feedback to understand why your application was rejected. Use this information to address any issues before reapplying, either with the same lender at a later date or with a different lender.


Q9: Are there any alternatives to small business loans?
A9: Yes, alternatives include angel investors, crowdfunding, grants, government support schemes, peer-to-peer lending, venture capital, and business credit cards. Each has its own set of advantages and considerations.


Q10: Can I negotiate the terms of my small business loan?
A10: It’s possible, especially with smaller lenders or in cases where you have a strong bargaining position due to excellent credit or a solid business plan. However, not all lenders will be open to negotiation.

These FAQs cover critical aspects of applying for and obtaining a small business loan in the UK, offering a starting point for businesses looking to navigate the lending process.



CEO at 

Graham is the CEO of Taxoo.

He is a Serial Start-up Entrepreneur, Investor and Multiple Business Owner. He has vast experience in Marketing, Business Management and UK Foreign Investment. He has multiple qualifications in both Law, Post Grad Marketing and is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

He is also the CEO of Lawble,, HR Hype and Rokman Media.


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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal or financial advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law or tax rules and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert professional advice should be sought.

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